Maps of Guam
(Guam Beach and Hotels)
Guam and Oceania | > | Central Guam and Airport | > | Beach and Hotels |
The island of Guam is approximately 30 mile long and 8 miles at its widest point. The island is ringed by beaches, but most are inaccessible. All Guam beaches, by law, are accessible to the public, but blocked by private beachfront property, are on the military bases or surrounded by thick jungle. Additionally, some of tee beaches are dangerous due to strong undertow. Most of the accessible beach available for is on Tumon Bay on the West coast on the Philippine Sea. Tumon beach is protected by a coral reef a couple hundred yards from the shore. Tumon beach is very safe as long as you stay inside the reef. Hotel row rings the beach and you just need to walk out of your hotel. There are paths, walkways and driveways leading to the shore for Hotel guests not on the shore and Guam residents.